Hey, Check This Out

American Citizens Detained, Arrested By Border Patrol Over 50 Miles North of Border

Despite that they are natural born citizens, a man, his wife, and 4-year-old child were forcibly removed from their car, detained, and arrested by federal border patrol agents over 50 miles away from the border all because the couple refused to tell the cop where they were driving to

Have we come to an age in the USA where natural born citizens have to show their papers to the federal Gestapo? Do we no longer have freedom of movement inside our own country?
Why does the border patrol think they have the legal power to detain citizens dozens and dozens of miles from the border?
And here we have millions of illegals streaming across the border and the border patrol is harassing actual citizens inside our interior? On top of that we have a president that is going to excuse and give amnesty to millions of law breakers but actual citizens now can’t drive from one place to another without having a federal gestapo pulling them over, manhandling them, and forcing them to undergo questioning?
The video was taken by the privately owned dashboard camera of Rick Herbert who recorded this sickening exchange on March 12…

The video, mounted on the car dashboard, shows the agent reaching into the man’s open window.
“Get your hands out of my car,” the man says. “Get your hands out of my car.”
The man then pushes the agent’s arm out the window, while the agent opens the door.
The man’s response?
“This is assault,” he says. “What is your reasonable suspicion?”
The agent then asks for the man’s citizenship, and he responds: “That I will [answer]. I’m a United States citizen.”
The agent asks the same question to the woman, who affirms she’s a U.S. citizen, too.
The agent then proceeds to ask a series of questions: “That your son in the back? You have anything illegal in the trunk? … Pop the trunk.”
The man tells the agent, “no, you cannot look,” and makes clear, “I do not consent to any searches or seizures.” He also asks the agent once more: “What is your reasonable suspicion?”
That’s when the agent tells him to put the car in park and “step out of the vehicle.”
The man once again asks for the agent’s “reasonable suspicion.” The video then shows the agent grabbing the man’s arm and wrestling him to remove him from vehicle, twisting his hand and arm in the process.
The man: “Dude what is your problem? I’ve got to unbuckle my seatbelt. … You’re being recorded.”
The agent says he’s aware of the camera and the man says, “Good. I’m going to sue the [expletive] out of you.”
The agent: “I’m not doing anything against policy.”