Hey, Check This Out

Black Lives Matter Boston Mourns Criminal's Death In The Most Racist Way Possible

Black Lives Matter Boston Mourns Criminal's Death In The Most Racist Way Possible
Yesterday we told you about the Boston police officer who was shot point-blank in the face. Officer John Moynihan, who was honored by Barack Obama as a “top cop” for his work during the Boston Marathon Bombing and awarded with a medal of bravery for a shootout with the bombing suspects, pulled over a group of suspected gang members. The officers had no guns drawn, but the suspect, Angelo West, opened fire and shot Officer Moynihan in the face. He was shot and killed by other officers after opening fire.
But of course, some people are losing their minds, because West was a black man. And apparently, the fact that he shot an officer in the face first doesn’t matter. In fact, the other officers should have considered his skin color before retaliating. Because equality or something. Some Twitter users made it clear that this was some sort of injustice. But thanks to a tip by a clever and competent reader, we took a look at the “Black Lives Matter Boston” Facebook page.  And let me just say, wow.
OK. So they decide to have a meeting. Fine. Whatever. But then they posted this almost two hours later.
They decided to complain about West’s death together in the most racist way possible. NO WHITES ALLOWED. I’m still trying to figure out how the heck that’s totally OK.
It’s ridiculous. They seriously care more about skin color than character. It shouldn’t freaking matter what color West was. He shot a police officer in the face. The fact that I even have to say, “the officer was shot by a black man” irks me because it doesn’t matter. Itshouldn’t matter. A criminal is a criminal. A thug is a thug. Don’t blame white cops for his death. It was his own fault.
But that’s the nature of liberalism. You should never have to take responsibility for your own actions. It’s always somebody else’s fault. Always.
Oh, and not that BLM cares or anything, but Officer Moynihan is recovering from what doctors consider to be a “successful” surgery to remove a bullet from his neck. He’s now in stable condition and expected to fully recover.