Hey, Check This Out

Chuck Norris Demands the 50 States Do THIS to Stop Obama - Video

In addition to being Walker, Texas Ranger and one of the baddest men to ever grace the Hollywood screen,Chuck Norris has also been a consistent and vocal conservative voice in the entertainment industry.
Now, the martial arts and action star is advocating for something big — namely, an Article V convention that could make constitutional amendments while bypassing President Obama.
Image result for Chuck Norris Demands the 50 States Do THIS to Stop Obama
The Article V convention has become a major conservative cause these last few years, with major conservative voices like Mark Levin, Bobby Jindal and Sarah Palin all expressing support for the concept.
It would essentially require two-thirds of state legislatures to agree to a convention, at which they would send delegates to propose amendments to the U.S. Constitution without dealing with either Congress or the President. The amendments, however, would still needed
Norris added his name to the rostrum of supporters for such an action, recently writing an op-ed for WND in favor of an Article V convention. He posits that it would be a great way to control runaway spending in the nation’s capital.
“Washington’s out-of-control outlays remind me of the words of President Ronald Reagan, who said, ‘We could say they spend money like drunken sailors, but that would be unfair to drunken sailors. It would be unfair, because the sailors are spending their own money,’” Norris wrote.
“A constitutional balanced budget amendment, or BBA, is not a new idea, and neither is the states’ push for such legislation,” he continued.
“However, what could be new to many Americans is just how close its enactment is to becoming reality. Unknown to many, 25 states have already called for the convention to add the BBA, and only nine more states (34 in total, or two-thirds) are required to force the convention.”
Norris said that some might be worried “that it would put the U.S. economy in further jeopardy during recessions or years with lower federal revenue by forcing policymakers to cut spending, raise taxes or both; hence, ultimately leading to higher deficits and a weaker economy, or so they say.”
However, he quotes economist Barry Poulson, who wrote, “The Congressional Budget Office projects that under current law over the next 25 years federal spending will increase to 36 percent of national income.
“The increased deficits and debt that accompany this spending will result in retardation and stagnation in economic growth that will make it virtually impossible to balance the budget.
“If we wait another decade to constrain spending the task of balancing the federal budget becomes insurmountable. By then the economy will be stagnating; and eliminating deficits will require that federal spending be cut in half, something that will never happen.”
Norris closed on note of warning, saying this might be our last chance to control the spiraling deficit.
“Without intervention, Washington will spiral our economy to its point of no return. All other solutions for economic federal restraint or solvency have proven fruitless, despite the best of intentions of some,” he wrote.
“The only way to save our posterity from inevitable economic peril is to enact this BBA as soon as possible. There is no reasonable alternative.”
Chuck Norris may have taken many roles in his career, but what’s perhaps his most important is helping to save our republic.
We support an Article V convention, and are glad to have Chuck Norris on board. Now let’s focus on getting all 50 states to take his advice.