Hey, Check This Out

Obamma wants to Ban all .223

In February, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives announced that they were removing an exemption on a popular type of ammunition for the AR15 rifle, known as M855 “green tip” ball ammunition, in order to ban it outright.
The ATF now claims that these rounds are “armor-piercing” and capable of being used in a concealable handgun, both claims being quite a stretch of reality, as all rifle rounds can penetrate soft body armor, and the “handguns” that might use the ammo — so-called “AR pistols” — are quite large and expensive, not something a common criminal would likely use.
As such, both Congress and the National Rifle Association are fighting back against the illegal backdoor attempt at gun control, in which Obama is trying to ban the bullets for the rifle that he was unable to ban.
According to BizPac Review, Chris Cox, executive director of the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action, joined Fox News Channel’s Megyn Kelly to discuss this attack on the Second Amendment, arguing it opened the door to more executive gun control measures.
Cox points out the main flaw in the government’s argument against the bullet, that it can penetrate the soft body armor worn by police officers, by noting that there is not one single example of that ever happening with this particular bullet.
Furthermore, he says that this is simply a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist.
“It’s interesting that they’re lying on this, because there’s no national cop groups that’s calling for this ban. The head of the National Fraternal Order of Police said that this wasn’t necessary,” Cox said.
“The reason it’s not necessary is not one police officer has died as a result of a vest penetration from one of these rounds being fired from a handgun,” he added.
Cox said that if this particular framework for banning ammo is allowed to stand, it would open the door for more types and calibers of ammunition being banned for similar spurious reasons.
“This president hates guns,” Cox said. “He doesn’t care for the Constitution, he says he’s got his cellphone and his pen and he’s gonna ignore it. Well, we can’t do much about his hatred, but we can do something about trying to dismantle the Second Amendment.”
Cox vowed that the NRA’s five million members would fight this backdoor attempt at gun control and work to end Obama’s assault on our Second Amendment-protected right to keep and bear arms.

Chris Cox and the NRA are absolutely right, and Obama’s motives are perfectly clear. This attempt to ban a particular type of ammunition is nothing more than a trial balloon that, if successful, would only bring about more bans on more different types of ammo, until one day virtually all ammo would be banned for various reasons, rendering legal guns ineffective.
This cannot be allowed to happen, and every attempt to infringe upon our gun rights should be met with a fierce determination to never give an inch to a tyrannical regime that seeks to disarm its citizens, rendering them mere subjects.