When they say ‘feel the bern,’ is this what they mean? Guess what? The cold, hard math is in. We know now, that across all income brackets, your taxes would skyrocket under Bernie Sanders. From BizJournals:
Under President Donald Trump, you’d pay $3,680 less in taxes, and $2,670 less if President Ted Cruz’s tax plan is enacted, according to this calculator. Your taxes would go up by $60 under President Hillary Clinton, and $5,430 if Bernie Sanders is elected president.
Yes, if you or your household earns a moderate, middle-class income, your taxes would go up under Bernie by DOUBLE what they would go down under Cruz.
So before I go onto more numbers (which I’d encourage you to read), I know this is the internet and you have stuff to do. Hitting that scroll button, it hurts. I get it. The big takeaway here, one that every Bernie supporter or even friends of Bernie supporters need to know, is that Bernie Sanders will not lower taxes on the middle class. Under Bernie, the middle class will pay much, much more. Bernie Sanders will take more money out of the pockets of the middle-class than any candidate currently running.
Bernie has pushed this myth that he wants to punish the rich, that he’s siding with the middle class. It’s patently false. He lines up against the middle class, siding with the government.
Now, moving on, it only gets worse the more money you make…
Let’s say you’re married, filing jointly, with two children and $200,000 in income. You’d pay $11,360 less under Trump’s plan, and $13,510 less with Cruz. With Clinton, you’d face a modest tax increase of $350, but with Sanders, you’d face a tax hike of $21,930.
Again, what happened to only making the “top 1% pay their fair share”? Sure, $200,000 is a blessed living, but far from the “Wall St. billionaires” Bernie purports them to be.
Speaking of which, what if you make a cool million? Joint filers with $1 million in income and two kids would get a $132,460 tax cut under Trump, and a $176,570 tax cut under Cruz. Clinton’s tax plan would produce a $15,590 tax hike, and your taxes would go up a whopping $167,390 under Sanders.
Now I know, I know. Many of you think that millionaires are horrible people who deserve to be punished simply for the zeroes in their bank accounts. After all, they can afford it. But can you? What about the rest of the people these millionaires employ? Do you think they’ll just take a six figure sucker punch right on the chin? Or is it plausible that they, oh, say… lay you off? Maybe cut costs? Perhaps move their finances to a more business-friendly country?
Of course, regular LwC leaders know that the math doesn’t add up for Bernie. Behold, the only video you’ll ever need to see.