I had heard this before, so it does not come as a surprise to me. A former lover of Bill Clinton’s said he used cocaine back in 1983 while he was governor of Arkansas. “I just realized this is the table. It’s funny just sitting here — all my furniture I’ve collected through the years, but this is the couch he sat on, and that’s the table,” said Miller, who once referred to Clinton as “a real pro” for the equipment he brought to her house when he wanted to use drugs. Wow, what a winner we picked as president, huh? Twice. “When he did coke, he brought a little — like a woman’s cosmetic case, that’s the only thing I can describe. And he put it down here, pushed everything aside. And he rolled it out and there was this little mat and he sprinkled this white powder,” she said. “He took a few big snorts and he felt better, I guess, because he had a big smile on his face,” she said. I’ll bet he did. Bill loved drugs and women… and of course ‘no’ was not in his vocabulary.
From Western Journalism:
The former president who once told America he “didn’t inhale,” was a cocaine user back in 1983, according to a woman who spoke openly about her affair with Clinton while he was governor of Arkansas.“We laughed a lot and we had fun,” Sally Miller said recently. “Of course, he didn’t need it, but I think it may have become a habit that he smoked marijuana and that he did coke.”While being interviewed by Kyle Olsen of The American Mirror, Miller — who was the Miss Arkansas of 1958 and for years has openly discussed her fling with Clinton — rapped on a coffee table near where she was sitting.
“I asked him if he did coke because it was almost like a stimulant. He said it just made him feel better, gave him more power, made him feel courageous,” she said. Bill Clinton has never denied the allegations. I think he believes it adds to his ‘cool factor’. It really, really doesn’t. Miller noted that “everybody has different ways of getting high,” saying she preferred running. “If you ever saw pictures of Bill, he didn’t run much,” she said. “But he did do coke.” I think you see the end result with Bill Clinton now. He looks and acts like he is beginning to suffer from dementia. Time catches up with all of us and this is just the beginning of Clinton’s penance and comeuppance. He and Hillary make quite a pair.