Hey, Check This Out

BREAKING: Hacker Group Anonymous Just Hit ISIS With MASSIVE Attack, Again

Anonymous has dubbed this war #OpIsis. The hacker group proved their serious intent this week, reportedly releasing a list of 9,200 Twitter accounts linked to the Islamic State group.
Anonymous hopes to force the social media giant into permanently banning these accounts. This would obviously be a huge blow to the propaganda and recruiting operations of the Islamic terrorist organization.

Image result for Hacker Group Anonymous Just Hit ISISJust as the Anonymous #OpISIS was hitting full swing, Facebook decided to shut down the main Anonymous group page for the team hacking the living hell out of ISIS.
The page simply says “Anonymous” but the URL terms it “Cyber Brain.” The group has been run by Red Cult team members for years, along with a handful of other popular Anonymous pages and groups. But this page was one of the first places where information on #OpISIS was being posted, as soon as Counter Current News ran with it.
Our contacts in Red Cult tell us that Facebook gave no warning and no explanation for why the entire group was shut down, except to say that the entire group’s existence was a “violation” of Facebook Terms of Service and “Community Standards.”
But that was nonsense. The group was very careful not to cross any lines with Facebook’s Terms of Service. So why was Facebook apparently siding with ISIS over Anonymous? After all, it was on the Cyber Brain page that our Counter Current News articles – calling out Facebookand Twitter for refusing to deactivate ISIS member propaganda and recruiting accounts – were first posted.
Whatever Facebook ends up deciding their reason was, they have apparently reversed it. Just as Anonymous Red Cult created the growing “Cyber Brain Reborn” group page, the social media giant bowed to pressure from hundreds of Anons who protested the take down of the popular Anonymous page.

This attack was said to have been a cooperative act between Anonymous and two other secretive hacker groups, GhostSec and Crisec.
This team-up is historically significant in the digital world. Never before have these groups been known to work together for a project so vast in scope.
Anonymous has been known to be a nuisance around the Internet. It is a momentous paradigm shift from targeting various people or companies to targeting terrorist groups.
These hacker groups usually work in secretive closed communities. However, they have opened up to each other to achieve a common goal for what seems to be the greater good.
nonymous is calling for anyone with a twitter account to retweet their list to spread the word (H/T Mad World).
The more involvement and interest the Twitter community displays, the more pressure the media giant will feel to remove the terrorist accounts.
It’s encouraging to see people taking a stand against this terrorist group, especially when our own presidentrefuses even to acknowledge the threat out of fear of making Islam look bad.

To thank Facebook for coming to their senses, Anonymous #RedCult decided to take down a bunch of additional ISIS websites, not just social media accounts…
http://alintbaha.net Down
http://shahamat-movie.com Down
http://islaam.com Down
http://ansar1.info Down
http://jhuf.net Down
http://bab-ul-islam.net Down
http://ansar-alhaqq.net Down
http://dev-tun.tn Down
http://islamicstate.media Down
http://khilafah.com Down
http://qa3edon.100.com Down
http://thenewkhalid.com Down
http://shahamat.info Down
http://d3130.servadmin.com Down
http://qassam.ps Down
http://mutti.aleph.to Down
http://wwq.mobde3.net Down
http://rbmt.com Down
http://millatuibrahim.com Down
http://moqawame.org Down
http://nasher.me Down
http://tajeed.org.uk Down
http://salaf-us-saalih.com Down
http://hizbuttahir.org Down
http://qatarinfo.net Down
http://jamatdawa.org Down
http://deenalhaq.info Down
http://gurmad.info Down
http://alplatformmedia.com Down
http://proftensummah.com Down
http://is-tube.cf Down
http://twt.azkaar.com Down
http://jamatdawa.org Down
http://al-qimmah.net Down
http://lanse-solide.net Down
http://iraq-revolution.com Down
http://dr-mahmoud.com Down
http://al-busyro.info Down
Our contacts in Red Cult tell us that #OpISIS is nowhere near winding down. This is only the BEGINNING. What is coming next, the assure us, will haunt ISIS’s nightmares…