Days after a two-year-old boy was killed by an alligator at Disney World, a shocking video has emerged, showing a Disney World employee fending off an alligator at one of the Magic Kingdom's most popular attractions - Splash Mountain.
The video, which was apparently captured in 2009, was recently obtained by Inside Edition.
It shows the employee poke the alligator with a pole, attempting to force it back into the water.
The predator, however, appears determined to get on land, as tourists enjoy the ride mere feet away.
This video has emerged as new reports allege that Disney World ignored warnings that guests were feeding alligators at the park and the areas along the lagoon where the boy was attacked, Inside Edition reported.
"Guests staying at the swanky Bora Bora Bungalows were reportedly known to frequently feed gators in the same lagoon where Lane Graves lost his life," Inside Edition reported.
Watch the shocking video above.